Many churches are starved for resources. Even mega churches suffer small church problems: Technology fragmentation.
So, by now you are asking “What is technology fragmentation?”
You are probably already familiar with it. I’m just naming it. A fragmented technology stack is when your website does not offer you the features you need so you are forced to use multiple third-party providers to solve unique problems.
This is a reality for a majority of churches:
- To manage your content you login to your CMS or website provider
- To manage small groups, you login to another website
- To manage podcasts, you login to yet another third-party website, and so on
Then there are other scenarios where you might use various other marketing automation services (MailChimp, CRMs etc..) that are all, possibly, glued together with Zapier (shudder).
Imagine if I had to type this blog on 5 different laptops because each laptop was missing a key.
This fragmented technology is a huge time suck and expensive. Expensive in dollars and time. It also slows down your website because you have to now take all these third-party pieces and glue them together. At best, you have a Frankenstein website.
Also. It’s bad for your visitors. They get bounced around. Each section is a completely different website that looks completely different. Translate that to a real world experience.
Would you find this acceptable for visitors to your church?
- Your greeters are from sporting the branded orange jackets.
- Your Worship team is from and they are branded to sell that website and advertise their services
- Your pastor – he’s the only one from the church
- Your ushers collect tithes sporting branding. Yeah. Swipe left.
But that’s exactly the digital experience for those visiting your website. They get bounced to different third-party services.
Imagine if you could login to one place and manage everything your church website needed. Content, blogs, podcasts, home groups, and everything else.
Imagine if you created a podcast and with a push of a button, it automatically publishes it to your website, submits to iTunes, Google Play and other outlets. While you are there, you want to add a new small group – easy.
Why do churches adopt a fragmented technology?
Easy. They just don’t have the resources. Churches aren’t in the software business. They don’t have the resources to guide them nor the in-house design and development resources. It just isn’t feasible.
But what about mega churches? Churches with 50,000 attendees a week?
Yes. They suffer the same small church problems. Churches with 40 attendees a week. Lakewood Church and North Point (Joel Osteen and Andy Stanley respectively) suffer fragmentation.

This is not calling out Church Center or Group Link – they are solving real problems. If not for them, what would the church do? EasyChurch is just another solution that happens to take a more broader view, which happens to be a better solution.
Solving these problems is generally not on the radar for churches that don’t have a strong software and design profile. Very few churches do.
At EasyChurch, our passion is solving technology problems for the church. We provide churches with custom websites with all the custom features they need. We are the website technology provider that stands in the gap.
Our Podcasting is easy to use and fully integrates with iTunes and GooglePlay. Our Groups functionality is super flexible. Allow your users to search by whether there is childcare, snacks, only on certain days, or by city, and more.
For a full list of features, visit our Features page. If you’d like to learn more, contact us. You’ll notice that we offer a free website to any church you support – if you sign up.
If you are with another website provider (you probably suffer fragmentation), did you know that we are actually cheaper. Did you know that we also design, build, and launch your website for you?
The kicker? We cost just as much as the other website providers, if not less – but with a lot more support and features for the church – without the fragmentation.
Forget third-party websites. EasyChurch does it all.