
Easy Podcasts Released

We are extremely happy to release Easy Podcasts. Podcasting has always been (as with a lot of other things) fragmented. Churches had to first upload their podcast on Libsyn (great service) or similar service then embed the podcast on the website.

Churches rely on third-party apps to do a lot of work and this creates a fragmented infrastructure and uploading podcasts a pain because there are so many steps.

We always strive to make things simpler. We detest fragmentation. The more you (or we) can do from one dashboard, the easier things become and they all work together better.

Well, in keeping with that ideology, we just released Easy Podcast on Easy Church. And it is so simple to use.

You create a new podcast, add a title, description, and upload episode artwork. Click save. Done. Easy Podcast automatically publishes this on your site and distributes it to iTunes as well.

Now, if we had to stop right there, we’d be average. Average we are not. We also built special features just for the church. When you create a podcast, you can add dedicated resources like websites or downloads (like sermon notes) so your listeners can get all the resources you talk about and reference.

What’s in the future? We have a quick updates planned with interactive search and filters for podcasts (these currently exist on our older version of our Podcasts). Also, we plan on integrating other distribution channels to get your podcasts in front of as many people possible.

Interested in learning more, contact us. We’d love to answer all your questions.

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